HolyFamilyFacts.com | The documents that tell us what happened
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The Documents


Vincent Solomeno submitted two Open Public Records Requests for information relating to the proposed 280 unit apartment complex at Holy Family School.  The Township denied Solomeno’s request for many records (including emails and any notes from Sue Kiley’s private meetings and lunches with the developer).


An Adobe PDF file opens in a new tab when you click one of the document links below.  There are hundreds of pages. For the sake of transparency, none have been withheld or omitted.


November 10, 2015 – Filed Complaint–Highview Homes

January 15, 2016 – Cover Letter to Court Clerk

January 15, 2016 – Hazlet Township’s Statement of Material Facts

January 15, 2016 – Affidavit of Dennis Pino, Township Administrator

January 15, 2016 – Brief of Defendant the Township of Hazlet

January 15, 2016 – Certification of James H. Gorman, Township Attorney

January 15, 2016 – Notice of Motion for Summary Judgment to Dismiss Complaint

January 15, 2016 – Proposed Order

February 22, 2016 – Supplemental Certification

March 8, 2016 – Highview Homes Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment

April 11, 2016 – Hazlet Reply Brief to Highview Cross-Motion

July 12, 2016 – Hazlet’s Summary Judgment Motion

July 12, 2016 – Highview Homes Partial Summary Judgment Motion

August 2, 2016 – Case Management Order

August 5, 2016 – Hazlet Filed Answer & Third Party Complaint

September 8, 2016 – Holy Family Church Motion to Dismiss

October 4, 2016 – Hazlet Response to Holy Family Motion

October 4, 2016 – Highview’s Brief Joining Holy Family Church

October 7, 2016 – Holy Family Reply Brief

October 20, 2016 – Hazlet Response to Holy Family’s Motion to Dismiss

November 11, 2016 – Judge’s Order Dismissing 3rd Party Complaint

November 18, 2016 – Highview Homes Motion for Partial Summary Judgment

December 7, 2016 – Cover Letter for Hazlet Reply Brief

December 7, 2016 – Hazlet Reply Brief

December 7, 2016 – Certification of James H. Gorman, Township Attorney

December 7, 2016 – Exhibit A – Certification of James H. Gorman

Please note that the first page is blank in Exhibits A – G. Scroll down to see the document.

December 7, 2016 – Exhibit B – Certification of James H. Gorman

December 7, 2016 – Exhibit C – Certification of James H. Gorman

December 7, 2016 – Exhibit D – Certification of James H. Gorman

December 7, 2016 – Exhibit E – Certification of James H. Gorman

December 7, 2016 – Exhibit F – Certification of James H. Gorman

December 7, 2016 – Exhibit G – Certification of James H. Gorman

December 7, 2016 – Certification of Service – Hazlet Reply Brief

December 12, 2016 – Highview Homes’ Reply to Hazlet’s Motion

December 19, 2016 – Second Case Management Order

January 3, 2017 – Cover Letter for Hazlet Motion to Compel Production of Documents

January 3, 2017 – Hazlet Motion to Compel Production of Documents

January 3, 2017 – Hazlet Motion to Compel Letter Brief

January 3, 2017 – Hazlet Motion to Compel – Exhibits A – E

January 3, 2017 – Hazlet Motion to Compel – Exhibits F – L

January 3, 2017 – Hazlet Draft Order for Motion to Compel

January 3, 2017 – Certification of James H. Gorman, Township Attorney

January 3, 2017 – Hazlet Motion to Compel Certification of Service

January 12, 2017 – Highview Homes Brief in Opposition to Motion to Compel

January 16, 2017 – Hazlet Reply to Highview’s Opposition Brief

August 7, 2017 – Highview Homes Letter to Hon. Jamie S. Perri, J.S.C.

August 8, 2017 – James Gorman Letter to Hon. Jamie S. Perri, J.S.C.